Monthly Article Archives: April 2016

A Day of Nostalgia and ReflectionRobert Brooks, Ph.D.

Most of us have experienced a day filled with nostalgia, a day that evokes memories of significant, positive moments from the past.  Recently, I had such a day when I gave the keynote address at a conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law & Justice, an organization whose work I greatly respect.  As they note on their website, “We dedicate ourselves to remedying social injustices for at-risk and underserved children, youth, and adults.  Working with volunteer lawyers, community partners, and others, we identify and address gaps in services and opportunities in areas such as education, homelessness, and the court system.”  This was the third time I spoke at an Appleseed conference, and as in the past my focus was on the theme of creating positive school climates and keeping students in school.  I highlighted ideas and strategies that teachers and other professionals could implement for nurturing motivation, hope, and resilience in students.  The composition of the audience was diverse: teachers, school administrators, lawyers, justices in the juvenile courts, probation officers, mental health professionals, and other community leaders.  Regardless of their professional identities, what they all shared was a desire to provide services that would enrich the lives of

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