Monthly Article Archives: January 2013

So What Resolutions Have You Made for 2013 and How Successful Do You Think You Will Be?Robert Brooks, Ph.D.

Many of my readers know from past articles that I have reservations about the effectiveness of New Year’s resolutions. Don’t get me wrong. As someone who has advocated the belief, “We are the authors of our own lives and have far more control over our reactions and behaviors than we often realize,” I enthusiastically support identifying and modifying any counterproductive thoughts and behaviors that pervade our lives. I also appreciate that the beginning of a new year seems like a logical time to make changes in one’s lifestyle. The thinking that prevails is, “It’s a new year. What better time to put aside old habits and make a fresh start?” Unfortunately, as has constantly been reported, the enthusiasm and motivation associated with New Year’s resolutions typically wane within a brief period of time. Just think of the exercise equipment in our homes that gather dust, of the gym memberships that are used less and less, of high calorie desserts that are consumed on a more regular basis with each passing day, and of kind words and gestures towards others that we neglect to express as the year moves along. Many other examples can be offered of resolutions that seemed so

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